Call for Submissions! Wizard Tribute Mini-Magazine!

I was just brainstorming this idea with a friend, and with Wizard Magazine dying, I was thinking about throwing together a mini-comic tribute magazine for this years MoCCA. With Wizard being such a important figure in the development of many of this generation of comic book people, I think this could be a fun tribute/roast.
So, this is a call for submissions. Got a memory you want to share? Parody? Fan art?
This is something I think needs to be turned around quickly, so speed is of the essence, so feel free to keep it lo-fi and rough, but make sure it's enjoyable.
Black&white, 3 pages max. Will probably be printed mini-comic size. Thinking of it in the tradition of the Coober-Skeeber Marvel Bankruptcy issue. All content must have some sort of Wizard-angle. Whether it's a strip, a pinup, or a parody of some sort. No holds barred, open to interpretation.
Deadline for now is Feb 21, but the sooner the better. Contact if interested.