This Week's Comics

Yes, that is John Walsh on the cover of "Outsiders."
Everything is out of 5 stars.
The Flash #215- ***
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1- **
The Amazing Spider-Man #513- **
Tim Sale: Solo- ****
Daredevil #66- *****
Planetary #21- ***
Demo# 11- *****
Outsiders #17- *
Wolverine #21- ***
Catwoman #26- **
Mystique #20- **
Ultimate Elektra #3- **
Black Widow #2- ***
Hellblazer #201- ****
The Losers #17- ***
Adam Strange #2- ****
Jack Staff #6- ****
NYC Mech #6- ***
Wonder Woman #209- **
We3 #2_ *****
Superman #210- **
The Authority: Revolution #1- ***
X-men Unlimited #5- **
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