Netflix 25: Cabin Fever

At the San Diego Comic Con last August, I decided to stick around after the 'Seed of Chucky' panel for the 'Shaun of the Dead' panel, with director Edgar Wright, and star Simon Pegg. This was perhaps one of the smartest decisions I have made in the last five years. Like all comic convention panels, after the opening series of discussions among the panel participants, they open the floor to questions, which usually leads to interesting incidents, such as the one I'll try my best to recall below:
Audience Member: "Yeah, 'Shaun of the Dead', isn't that like a ripoff?"
Edgar Wright: "I'm sorry, what?"
Audience Member: "Y'know, we've all seen it before, like 'Dawn of the Dead', you guys are just ripping it off"
Edgar Wright: "What?"
Audience Member: "Do you guys even have an original idea? I mean, it's just another zombie movie."
Edgar Wright: "Is that Eli Roth?"
Audience Member: "SHAUN OF THE DEAD RULES!!!!"
Edgar Wright: "Ladies and gentleman, director of 'Cabin Fever', Eli Roth!"
As Eli Roth ran around the panel room, screaming "SHAUN OF THE DEAD RULES!!!!!!", I said to myself, "I've really got to see his movie."
And so I finally did, and it was awesome.
'Cabin Fever' is a great throwback to the low budget 1970's horror films, like 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and 'The Evil Dead'. It's about a bunch of teenagers who go on a vacation to a cabin in the woods. Soon, they all start dying of a hideous disease. As paranoia sets in, we watch as the group of friends self destruct.
To tell you the truth, I've been meaning to see this since it was released theatrically, but that was mostly because it starred former 'Boy Meets World' star Rider Strong. He's awesome just because he's got the perfect porno star name. Seriously, if his mainstream acting career falls apart, I can easily see him starring in "Voluptuous Virgins 15" or "Sucktastic Skanks 3", or if he's really desperate, "Boy on Boy Crime 23".
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