The New Apartment, Part 19.

Hey, I have a bed!

My new bed finally came in on Monday, and it's great. Now that this was in the apartment, I was finally ready to start decorating the bedroom. I started by finding a new place to hang the posters from two of my all time favorite movies. I still need to pick up a lamp for my nightstand.

Across from my bed is my bookcase, now all filled up. On top are my Muppet action figures, and below is every book I own that's not a comic book or comic book related. Also, shoes and other miscellaneous items.

Around the corner from my bedroom is my library, where my DVD collection now lives across from 35 longboxes of comic books.

Also in the library is this bookcase, filled with stuff I still need to take care of, including a bunch of pictures that I still need to find a place to hang. Eventually, this book case will be filled with odds and end for the library, including nice boxes for all my mini-comics, and to be read, and to be filed piles of comics.

In the living room, I decorated some more, finding more places for my framed comic book pages.

My original page from Local #2 sits to the left of the display case, while my original page from Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life sits to the right.

And I finally got my table cloth! I really feel it classes up the Ikea table. The space in between the windows is being saved for a very special piece I have currently at my framers. Oh, and if you look in the kitchen, you can see my new microwave above the fridge.
Remember this wire problem?

Well, here's the solution!

All the wires are tucked under this classy door saddle! All it needs is a coat of varnish, and it should be great!
So what's left?

This pile of books needs new bookshelves. I'm still trying to figure out how to get the wall of books idea I want for the best price and quality. I really like what I could do with the Ikea "Billy" bookshelves, but I am aware that the shelves are shit, and will probably start to buckle very quickly under the weight of all my comics. So, for now, they just sit in the spare room, waiting for me to re-evaluate my budget after paying off my bills.
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