Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The New Apartment, Part 17.
So, I'm officially 100% in my new apartment. I have a TV, cable, a mattress, and a bed that will be delivered next Monday. With that all behind me, it's time to decorate.

I've moved these metal cabinets that my Great Grandmother had into the kitchen.

I've also hung up my old Masters of the Universe poster, and as always, Milk & Cheese live on top of the fridge. The yellow cat clock used to belong to Great Grandmother. When she passed away, it was all I wanted. Now that I moved into her apartment, I've moved it back into it's original place.

I've started hanging up some of my art from my old place. Above the couch is an original one-sheet from "The Apartment". The Stephen Silver "Goonies" print is once again above my bookcase, and a signed print from "The Simpsons Movie" is above my dresser. I've decided to clean up the dresser for the time being, not sure what to do with all of the old stuff, but once I'm settled, I'm sure I'll find something.

Signed posters from the first two MoCCA Art Festivals are hanging next to the windows. I have another piece currently at the framers waiting to be hung between the two windows. I have already bought curtains that still need to be hung up, and I need to buy a small tablecloth.

My autographed "The Incredibles" poster is next to my TV..

...and my original David Mazzuchelli Batman sketch is on the door. I also decided to use that random piece of furniture to hold up my DVD player, cable box, modem, and router. Currently, the stereo and cable wires are laying on the floor, but I have a fix for that in mind.

With my clothes now moved into my apartment, I moved my books out of my closet, and they currently sit in their eventual home. I'm planning on buying a bunch of new bookcases and building a library, but I think that's a problem for August, once all my other bills are paid, and I re-evaluate my budget.

Here's my currently sleeping situation. I'm using borrowed sheets on my new mattress until my bed arrives next Monday.

And here was my big project for the day. I purchased sleeves for my long boxes, and spent the day building that. And then I topped the whole thing off with my old "New Frontier" poster. Four of those longboxes are filled with comics waiting to be filed. That's a project for another weekend. On the bookcase are a bunch of other things waiting to be hung up and filed, and across from the longboxes is another bookcase waiting for my DVD collection.

I've moved these metal cabinets that my Great Grandmother had into the kitchen.

I've also hung up my old Masters of the Universe poster, and as always, Milk & Cheese live on top of the fridge. The yellow cat clock used to belong to Great Grandmother. When she passed away, it was all I wanted. Now that I moved into her apartment, I've moved it back into it's original place.

I've started hanging up some of my art from my old place. Above the couch is an original one-sheet from "The Apartment". The Stephen Silver "Goonies" print is once again above my bookcase, and a signed print from "The Simpsons Movie" is above my dresser. I've decided to clean up the dresser for the time being, not sure what to do with all of the old stuff, but once I'm settled, I'm sure I'll find something.

Signed posters from the first two MoCCA Art Festivals are hanging next to the windows. I have another piece currently at the framers waiting to be hung between the two windows. I have already bought curtains that still need to be hung up, and I need to buy a small tablecloth.

My autographed "The Incredibles" poster is next to my TV..

...and my original David Mazzuchelli Batman sketch is on the door. I also decided to use that random piece of furniture to hold up my DVD player, cable box, modem, and router. Currently, the stereo and cable wires are laying on the floor, but I have a fix for that in mind.

With my clothes now moved into my apartment, I moved my books out of my closet, and they currently sit in their eventual home. I'm planning on buying a bunch of new bookcases and building a library, but I think that's a problem for August, once all my other bills are paid, and I re-evaluate my budget.

Here's my currently sleeping situation. I'm using borrowed sheets on my new mattress until my bed arrives next Monday.

And here was my big project for the day. I purchased sleeves for my long boxes, and spent the day building that. And then I topped the whole thing off with my old "New Frontier" poster. Four of those longboxes are filled with comics waiting to be filed. That's a project for another weekend. On the bookcase are a bunch of other things waiting to be hung up and filed, and across from the longboxes is another bookcase waiting for my DVD collection.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The New Apartment, Part 16.

I moved today! Kinda.

Thanks to the help of some great friends, I moved all of the furniture I plan on keeping to the new place. Sadly, since i still haven't purchased a new bed yet, I'm not over there permanently yet. So, me and all my clothes are still at my old place for the time being.

We also set up the new home theater, and chirstened it with the Kirk Cameron classic, "Left Behind".

This is a temporary possible idea of what I might do with this dresser. All of the items on the table are thing from my Great-Grandparents, and Grandparents that I have found while cleaning the apartment. Also, some items that mean a lot to me from my life are sprinkled in. I'm not 100% sold on it, but my original idea of what to do with all this stuff wasn't going to work.

Also, I was thinking about buying new dining table chairs, but I think I'm going to use these four different chairs that I've found in both my place and my parent's place (there's the only decent Ikea chair from my old place, the last remaining good chair from my Great-Grandmother's old kitchen set, my dad's old office chair, and an old chair that my dad bought a yard sale a few years ago). I think it works.

I thought about getting a coffee table, but instead, I think I'm just going to use these stools Grandfather made years ago.

And this bookshelf is now in the bedroom.
So what's left? Well, the plumber needs to install the thermostat, and test the new heat system. The electrician needs to fix a minor issue that's preventing me from turning on my fridge. I need to schedule an appointment with the cable company to install cable tv and internet. I need to buy a new bed and mattress, as well as sheets and pillows. I need to move and hang up all my art. I need to buy something for my DVD player and cable box to sit on, as well as stands for my surround sound speakers. I need to buy curtains, and a table cloth. I need a microwave, dishware and flatware. I need to move my clothes, and whatever I plan on keeping from my current kitchen, which is mostly just glasses. I need new bookcases for my library.
And then I'll be pretty much done.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The New Apartment, Part 15.

The new fridge and stove are here! After a brief issue with Sears refusing to carry them up the stairs because of the awesome stair chair, we finally got them upstairs, thanks to the help of my contractor's crew.

I think they look great. Tomorrow, I'm going to go buy my new big-ass TV, and then Saturday, is the big move.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The New Apartment, Part 14.

So it's been over a week, and now, I must say, we are entering the home stretch of this adventure.

The electrician has finished, putting the final touches on all the outlets, and switches, and installing all of the light fixtures...

...and the plumber has installed all of the radiators, finally installing heat in this building.

Two ceiling fans are now in the living/dining room...

...while the other rooms got these bowl style light fixtures.

The comic books have been returned to their future home, where they await filing, organizing, and new boxes.

In other news, I've moved everything I own that is not furniture, art, and clothes, filling up the closets, and drawers with DVDs, books, and toys. Saturday is the big move, where I'll get all the furniture in, and on Sunday, I'll be purchasing my new giant TV.

The next big thing: the new fridge and stove get delivered and installed on Thursday, and then after this weekend, all I will really have to do is buy a new bed.