The New Apartment, Part 21.

And the last of the furniture I needed to buy is done. Behold, my new bookcases. This is the thing I was most excited about when I was planning on moving into this apartment: a wall to wall library.

Above the bookshelves are six original comic book pages. From left to right, a Detective Comics page by JH Williams, The Sentry by Jae Lee, Ultimate Spider-Man by Mark Bagley...

...Ex Machina by Tony Harris, Spider-Man's Tangled Web by Darwyn Cooke, and New X-Men by Frank Quitely. Better shots of these pages and all of my original art are up at my Comic Art Fan's Gallery.

The pile of books on the floor all the way to the left are books that don't fit on any shelves. The bookcase on the far left are all of my graphic novels and trades in alphabetical order. The small book case at the turn is full of Showcases, and Essentials. The Spider-Man book on the middle shelf is my first comic book of all time, I think I got it when I was three. It's signed by Stan Lee. The graphic novels continue to the top shelf of the middle book case. The third shelf down are all anthologies, and the bottom two shelves are filled with books about comic books and toys.

The first three shelves of the next bookcase are all books of comic strips. The bottom shelves are all books that don't really fit anywhere else, sizewise. On the last bookcase are art books on the first and third shelves, and the bottom two shelves are all needed to eventually be read.
Now, I'm fully aware that I have more shelves than books. And that's a good thing. I'm not planning on stopping buying books anytime soon, so I'm going to need that space eventually. I have an idea on how to fill these shelves for the time being, but I need to look into cheap, affordable way to do it.
So, I'm super happy with my new bookcases. Now, I'm pretty much done buying new furniture for my apartment.
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