Sunday, October 30, 2005

Last Night At Mark's...

As usual, I showed off my awesome Halloween costume at the party held by everyone's favorite associate editor of special projects, and my trivia teammate, Mark Beazley.

Mark was a gracious samurai host.

Mike and Adam were Tyler Durden and The Narrator (for the last time, no, his name wasn't Jack).

Corey couldn't see a damn thing.

Matt Murdock just isn't trying anymore.

Even at a comic book dork party, there were obscure costumes that only I got.

It was too crowded for a dance party to break out, much to my chagrin.

Well, at least before 3AM.

And we danced, like a wave on the ocean, romanced.

Yeah, it was one of those parties.


Like I said, one of those parties.

Victor questions Mark's taste in music.

Mark took this photo.


For those of you just joining us, today we're teaching poodles how to fly.

I dared to be stupid.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Best Halloween Costume Ever.

Halloween 1990. I was bitten by the Nintendo bug two years earlier when I finally got an NES from my parents as a way of saying they were sorry for having another child. I had gotten a Gameboy earlier that year, and decided it would be the best Halloween costume ever. I was right.

My sister, Stinky, as a Cowgirl. My other sibling, TVGuide, went as Oct28-Nov3 1990.

I won first prize at the Cub Scout Halloween Party.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Halloween 1983

I had broke my leg a month earlier on my second birthday.

Despite that, it was the best Halloween ever.


Monday, October 24, 2005

They have their's, you'll have your's, and I'll have mine.

My new iPod is awesome.



I became aware of Harry And The Potters through my buddy, Dave. They are a rock duo who play songs about Harry Potter. And yes, it is as awesome as it sounds. I caught them this summer at the New York Public Library, which was already noted in an earlier blog entry here. This past Saturday, they played a show in my neighborhood, so I knew I had to attend.

It was at Fort Seriously, which wasn't as much of a fort, as it was someone's apartment.

Teenage girls love Harry and The Potters.

Jeremy gets all moody on the inside.

While John Green gets wet on the outside.

While the worst opening act in the history of opening acts was inside, we decided it would be a million times better to just make umbrella fort outside.

Clockwise from Steve: Alison, Scott, Marion, John, Jeremy, Raina. Not pictured: Dave, Alisa.

Finally, at around 11pm, 3 hours later than they were supposed to be on, the show began. And they proved that Voldemort can not stop the rock.

They played an awesome new song about book 6. It made everyone feel special.

If anyone is interested in what this actually sounds like, they whole show from Saturday is up at the Fort Seriously website. Also, take a listen to what the hell we were listening too before the Potters.

On second thought, don't.


Sunday, October 23, 2005


On Thursday, I went to a fundraiser for 826 NYC, a non profit organization that teaches writing skills to kids. They also run the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co., which is the place to purchase superhero costumes and supplies in the greater New York City area. So, the fundraiser was a Superhero Fashion Show.

The show began with a marching band playing the Spider-Man theme. It was excellent.

Ron Corddy entertained us with a story about dating Lois Lane.

Patton Oswalt made a short film about making costumes for supervillains. When he mentioned Parademon, i was one of five people who laughed.

From left to right: Robyn, Professional Literary Agent, and Captain G.Y.W.

The G.Y.W. stands for Guess Your Weight.

Finally, the show ended with the fashion show, hosted by John Hodgman and Sarah Vowell. Here, they interview The Soleman, a millionaire playboy by day, and an even bigger millionaire playboy by night.


Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Spidey Sense is Tingling!

I painted pumpkins with the two kids from across the street today.

Mine turned out best.


Sunday, October 02, 2005


Excelsior!, originally uploaded by VitaminSteve.