Last Night At Mark's...
As usual, I showed off my awesome Halloween costume at the party held by everyone's favorite associate editor of special projects, and my trivia teammate, Mark Beazley.
Mark was a gracious samurai host.
Mike and Adam were Tyler Durden and The Narrator (for the last time, no, his name wasn't Jack).
Corey couldn't see a damn thing.
Matt Murdock just isn't trying anymore.
Even at a comic book dork party, there were obscure costumes that only I got.
It was too crowded for a dance party to break out, much to my chagrin.
Well, at least before 3AM.
And we danced, like a wave on the ocean, romanced.
Yeah, it was one of those parties.
Like I said, one of those parties.
Victor questions Mark's taste in music.
Mark took this photo.